New Artwork

Gardening at Night
Gardening at Night

I’ve been using NightCafe to create new artwork. The possibilities are endless. These images are based on old digital paintings I created in Photoshop several years ago. I used the paintings as starting images, then add descriptive text to create brand-new artwork. You can use any image as a starting point; photos, paintings, or even drawings.

Illustrated Memory
Illustrated Memory

Of course. these new images look nothing like the original starting images. But, they do share the general composition and color of the originals. You can control how much of the original to preserve in the creation settings. For the artwork in this post, I chose the lowest setting to preserve the original colors.

Illusive Thought
Illusive Thought

Objects of the Mind

Objects of the Mind
Thoughts which can only be shared through physical representation; such as math, art and storytelling.

Related: Hyperfocus
Intense focus on a certain subject or task. The intensity can vary and may include daydreams and other objects of the mind.